1. How technology is going to affect how your students are going to be learning
In the globalization era, technology can be viewed as a scaffolding tool that should be used effectively during teaching and learning process. Technology becomes a more prevalent part of the education culture with each passing year. Schools cannot ignore the impact of technology and the changing face of curriculum. It can offer a positive impact on the students’ learning as they will be provided an interactive lesson if the teacher integrate technology in the lesson. When the students are interested in learning, eventually they will feel motivated and participate actively in the lesson.
Technology has a lot to offer if the teacher knows the right way to integrate the technology into the curriculum and syllabus of the lesson. As one of the teacher’s roles is to be the director and facilitator in the learning process, it is an essential element for teacher to ensure students’ understanding throughout the lesson. Pupils can easily acquire the understanding when they are interested and fully motivated towards the lesson. When they are in these conducive yet non-threatening conditions, this will eventually decreased the pupils’ affective filter as been proposed by Stephen Krashen in his affective filter hypothesis of his ‘monitor model’ (Lightbown and Spada, 1999) as it had arouse the pupils’ interest and motivation by the usage of technology.
Furthermore, with the used of technology, pupils will be entertained by the beautiful yet variety of colourful pictures and video. This also will trigger the pupils’ aesthetic skills as they will learn to appreciate the art of colour and illustrations that should been displayed by the teachers with the help of technology.
Students nowadays are aware the functions of e-mail and sometimes, they were more advanced than the teacher itself. If the students are able to compose an e-mail to the teacher, a mutual community will be created. Hence, teacher-students relationship will not be limited only when they met at school but they can also interact with each other by using the e-mail. If the students faced some problems regarding their school works, they can just straight away send a questions via e-mail and both teacher and students can discussed on the solution of the problem. Therefore, with this mutual community, it will give a positive impact in the students’ learning as well helped the teacher to ensure success of their students.
In the nutshell, there will be a lot positive implication and impact gained by the students if the teacher are able to integrate the usage of technology, affectively. Students’ attitude towards the learning process should be given the major priority by the teacher to develop the full potential of the students. It is important for the teacher to be able to create or produce something interesting enough with the help from technology in order to grab and sustain the pupils’ interest and curiosity in the pupils’ learning process as what had been said by Anatole France, 1924:
‘The whole art of teaching is only the art of awakening the natural curiosity of young minds for the purpose of satisfying it afterwards’