Saturday, September 6, 2008

progress of my assignment

class of 3rd Sept. there was no lecture for today as prof maznah gave us a chance to do our assignment. the smart board assignment. well, i just install the software in my laptop and still in the process of exploring and experimenting. i guess better late than never aite? for this assignment, i will do it for an English subject but just can't figure out which topic to choose. there are a lot of things going on in my thoughts but i can't help my self to feel the fear as i didn't know how to make it interactive yet appealing as what smart board is all about. learning in fun and interactive way. hmm... i hope that my group members can guide me along my way to complete my assignment as i actually quite, not fully *doink*, L.O.S.T... hehe.. but determination is what i need to stay ahead and accomplish success...! but again, this is hard ok. well, based on my performance during my video assignment, ( which is NOT that impressive to compare with others *sigh*), i really hope that i can improved on this assign... but the question is HOW? hmm... just need to think as positive as possible. insya-ALLAH...

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